HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup is a language that allows us to create a kind of documents that can be viewed on any machine,in any operating system,in a similar way.the document created using this language is called webpage.the clickable text in these web pages,which can point to another document or a webpage,is called hyperlink or hypertext.
This is the language which allows you to create hyper text into the document that is why it is called Hyper Text Markup Language.Using this language you can apply different effects to your text,images,you can create tables,forms with different controls etc,in short,HTML is just a series of tag that are integrated into a document that can have text,images or multimedia content.
This tutorial is designed to help beginners and professionals.easily learn and understand our tutorial in easy and simple language,our goal is better understanding.
This tutorial are required basic knowledge of computer and internet to better understanding html,and second basic requirement is basic knowledge of css and javascript to better designing and validation.
The basic problems learning html is if you don't have basic knowledge of any other programming languages and basic knowledge of computer, first you know about basic used of computer after learn this tutorial for better understanding.
HTML is a format that tells a computer how to display a web page.the documents theselves are plain text files with special "tags" codes that a web browser uses to interpret and display information on your computer display.
HTML file is a text file containing small markup tags.
The markup tags tell the web browser how to display the page.
HTML file must have an .htm or .html file extension
Writing a block of HTML code,any Editor can be used like Notepad,Notepad++,and any other text editor,for showing effects or designing of page that is written by HTML language,any web browser is required like internet explorer,mozilla firefox and other web browser.
First Simple HTML Page
Step 1:
In first step create new file with .htm or .html file extension and save it.
Step 2:
In this step after create html file write following code into this file and save it.
<title>This is a First HTML Page</title>
Welcome to You ll earn passive income website
Step 3:
After write code into file,open this file into any web browser like firefox.
In HTML element usually consists of a start tag and end tag, with the content inserted in between the following simple table to display some html element.
Start Tag
End Tag
<tag_name> Your Content Here </tage_name>
<html> is a starting delimit the text inside,add a closing tag by adding a "/" to the starting tag.most but not all tag have a closing is necessary to write the code for an html page between <html> and </html>
The HTML document is isolated into HEAD tag.the information about the document is kept within <head> tag.
The title element is the only required element of the is used to give your document name.
All the content to be displayed on the web page has to be written within the body tag.
H1 Tag
This is first heading tag
P Tag
This is paragraph tag write paragraph uisng this tag.
BR Tag
<br> tag is unpaired tags,if it has not a closing is used to break the current line.
HTML Attributes is an associated property of an HTML element used to extend the capability of an HTML element for example bgcolor is one type of attributes and it is used in body tag,the following some attributes display in table.
Alternative text for an image.
Inline CSS style for an element.
URL for a link
URL for a image
Unique id for an element
HTML values of the attributes may be wrapped by double quotes,which is not mandatory.HTML attributes nae are sensitive but value is not case sensitive.
The alt attribute are used in Alternative text for an image.the following simple example of it.
<img src="logo.png" alt="yourtechpage">
The style attribute is used for Inline CSS style for an element,the following example of it.
<img style="width:100px;height:50px;" src="pl-logo.png" alt="yourtechpage">
The href attribute are used for create URL for a link like following example.
<a href="">
The src attribute are used to URL show image on html page.
<img src="logo.png" alt="yourtechpage">
The id attribute are used to set Unique id for an element.
<div id="nav">
HTML support lostof tag and tag are used lotsof attribute above we describe only few attribute for simple understanding for attribute
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